How to create and manage a Facebook page in 7 steps

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Make your Facebook page look professional in just 7 steps

Facebook page is your business presence on Facebook. Creating a business page is simple. Though you may be missing some essential settings.
In this blog, you can find how to create a professional Facebook page for your business, and how to take the ultimate benefit of its’s features. You will walk through a step by step procedure to manage every setting for your Facebook page.

Here We go now!!

  • Step 1: Fill in the basic information
  • Step 2: Complete your page normal settings
  • Step 3: setup automated response for your Facebook page
  • Step 4: link your Facebook page to your blog/website
  • Step 5: Customize Your Facebook Page with tabs and templates
  • Step 6:  Link your Facebook page with WhatsApp and your Instagram account
  • Step 7: Finalize your Facebook page

At first, you need to have a Facebook account. If you don’t have you can create a new one here.
After creating your Facebook account log into your account and create your new business page.
Click here to create your New Business page

Step 1: Fill in the basic information

Fill the required field like

  • Page name – Write your business name here
  • Category – Choose the category your business belongs to from the drop-down list.
  • Description – write a short description about your business like whom you serve and what you serve
  • Profile picture- This picture is the icon of your page that will appear every time on your post that you publish or you comment. It represents your page so you can upload your business logo here.

The accurate size of the profile picture is 170 by 170 pixels.

5. Cover photo – The cover photo will appear on the top of your page and this is the best place to deliver a visual element regarding your business that can draw the attention of the visitors. You can design your cover photo with the help of free tools like Crello, or you can also try Canva where you can find several pre-designed templates.
Facebook displays your cover photo in different sizes on laptops and smartphones. 

The exact size that works on both devices is 820 by 462 pixels.

(Tips: You can add slider or video to your cover photo)

Step 2: Complete your page normal settings

Just after creating your new Facebook page, Facebook will show you five important steps, clicking on each will show you information to fill out your page. If you don’t want to fill it now, easily skip it.

Facebook page settings

Later you can fill all those settings on the “Edit Page Info” section on the left sidebar of the page.
Moreover, on this section you can also fill in other necessary details of your page which can make your blog more professional, like

  • Phone No
  • Email Address
  • Website
  • Location/ google map location
  • Service time and Service area

Step 3: setup automated response for your Facebook page

Automated response is the best way to engage your clients.  You can redirect your visitors to your blog or messenger or any place you desire.

Follow the steps below to create an automated response.

  • Go to the settings tab on the left sidebar
  • Go to the “Messaging” tab and on the right side click on “Go to automated response”
  • Enable Instant Reply on and edit the message as per your desire.
automated resposne

(Tips: you can make your questions and answer them on your own on basis of your business which can help customers to get more information regarding your product and services.)
Visitors will see those questions and answers when they will try to message you.
You can see the “Away Message” tab where you can set your service time when you will be available and when you are away. You can also set the away message by going to the edit section.
Adding Instant Reply and Away Message will enhance the visitor’s experience and also reflects the professionalism of your business.

instant reply

Furthermore, if you want then you can set up on other settings like FAQS and Job Applications.

Step 4: link your Facebook page to your blog/website

Another awesome feature Facebook provides is the messenger link to your blog or website. It is effortless, what you need to do is to copy the HTML code and paste it into the widget (HTML) section of your blog.

facebook messenger link to blog

Now, after adding the Html code the messenger icon will start appearing on your blog post, and visitors who visit your blog can directly message you on your page.

Step 5: Customize Your Facebook Page with tabs and templates

In your page settings, you can find the “Tabs and Templates” tab. Facebook allows you to customize your page even further with this setting. You can decide which tab to show and which one to hide on your page.

tabs and templates

You can also change your templates as per your business category. Like, if your page belongs to an e-commerce business you can choose a “shopping” template for your page. Moreover, Facebook provides short information of every template, making it easy to decide on a proper template for your page.

Step 6:  Link your Facebook page with WhatsApp and your Instagram account

Facebook has unleashed more power and capability to its users to communicate on social media icons.

connect ot insta

If you have a blog you can link your page with it. similarly, you can link your page with WhatsApp and Instagram account.
Instagram is the leading social media icon having more than 1 billion active users every month.
Facebook bought Instagram in 2012 and WhatsApp in 2014. And now Facebook provides more flexibility by allowing interlinkage with these accounts.
On your page setting, you can find the “Instagram and WhatsApp” tab. Just click on those tabs and connect your Instagram account and WhatsApp number with your page.

Step 7: Finalize your Facebook page

You can do more settings to make your Facebook page look more professional.

  1. Manage notifications

On your page settings, you can find the “notification” tab. Turn on or off the notifications for your page as your business requirement.
2. Add collaborators
You have a business and you want to share roles with your coworkers. Facebook has made it easier to share business roles on your page.

page roles

You can find the “Page Roles” tab on the page settings of your page, where you can add your co-workers providing several roles to edit, advertise, or moderate.3. Create username and button for your page
Creating a username for your Facebook page will make people easier to find your page. With your username, Facebook will provide you a page link that you can share with others.
You can create your username on the “Home” Section of your page.


Tips: You can also edit the button for your page. You can see the list of buttons. Just try every button and set which one is most useful for you.4. Invite your friends and coworkers
Now the final thing you need to do is create your post and invite your friends and coworkers. Before inviting your friends, it is better to have more than three posts. Find those friends who would like your posts.
After you have finished creating and managing your page, let us manage your post and contents and help you drive more traffic to your business.

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Anup Joshi
Anup is an enthusiastic SEO professional who loves to put his best practices and research into his work to give the best results. He is the hand and brain behind the SEO at Top.

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